A Calm June

July 1rst 2011

And another month flies by me. Another month of fun really, but also a busy month with everything I have had to hand in and do for school. It’s funny because although my grades do not even count in my GPA, and all I need really is a pass, they are still important and I do want more than just a passing grade. I guess at first I thought I was just grade-driven, competitive with myself and wanted to do good, but now I realize that it’s more than that. If I am going to do something, I don’t just want to do it well, but I want to give it the best I can. I think that this whole semester abroad, along with the travels, meeting new people and integrating myself into another culture has been an amazing experience. I really do encourage any of you that have a little bit of a taste for the experience to fulfill it because really, now is the time to do it and it really is great.

We had an asado last night for to say“Goodbye house” with some friends, a complete success it was great! Today I am moving out of my house and into my friend Mila’s apartment until I finish school. I have one paper and two orals left this week, and absolutely no will to do anything today. One of the orals requires me reading two novels so its going to be me+book/laptop+coffee/mate/hot chocolate. I also have to figure out what my plans are for the month of July and until I meet Cass in Nicaragua in August. So the plan is to meet her in central America and then come back to Cordoba by December to fly back home. Wow. December.

Travel wise this month was a little quieter than May, not hard to beat there because I was barely around in May. I took a weekend and went to Santa Fe to visit my friend Laurianne. We had a great time chatting, walking around the city, going to bars and hanging out. Everyone says that Santa Fe is not nice and boring but I kind of liked it. It’s quiet it’s not ugly at all, you can go hang out by the water.. Then another weekend I went to the hills with Facu. Places like Mina Clavero, San Javier and Merlo are really nice and are really different from the summer. It is much quieter and that, I really like. But it’s colder. Okay so not Canada cold, but still, it’s cold. I know its weird the Canadian complaining about -4 degrees…but I think that the main difference here is that the isolation in houses is so bad, and glass windows or doors are so thin that the hot air just goes out and the cold air comes in. So its not like aw I want to stay in my house and not go out because of the cold because really the difference is not that great. Ahahaha.

So anyways, this is definitely my shortest post yet, but really nothing much to add about June, busy with school and just hanging out really.

I hope summer in Montreal, or wherever you are has been treating you nicely,

Also, Happy Canada Day!!

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